Coronavirus Update

Just a quick update as to what we are currently intending to do with our club sessions in light of the current COVID-19 situation.

Gosling Sports Centre are, at the moment, planning on remaining open, meaning that our usual sessions can continue to go ahead.  We expect this to change and we will, of course, keep you updated when/if we receive new information.  Our aim is to keep playing badminton and continue running sessions until the centre decides to close, however, we do understand that some may not feel comfortable/are unable to attend club night. If this is the case, please let us know.

If you have been either directly or indirectly affected by COVID-19 (if you have/live with someone who is experiencing symptoms) and have attended a session in the last couple of weeks and/or have returned from China/Italy/Spain (or any countries severely affected) in the last 2 weeks, please let us know as soon as possible and do not attend any further sessions until you receive communication from our committee.

If you have any concerns/queries, please contact us and we will assist where possible.

Please find useful links below: